
This legendary recipe was founded by Kway Tiao Ting’s great grand father, Mr Tan Goh Cheng, in 1945 after the Japanese occupation just ended.

Mr Tan Goh Cheng was born in the late 1800s, and moved to Singapore in early 1900s.

Life was difficult then and they went through a lot of hardship before starting this humble business. Their first unlicensed pushcart was situated under a tree at Balestier Tua Pek Gong temple. It was believed that the divine forces have blessed all the patrons, its founder and his descendants. Huat ah!

In 1970s, they shifted to the current address.

Over the years, the recipe remained a mystery and it has attracted long queue of foodies from all walks of life to try out the authentic taste. Kway Tiao Ting’s secret to success is to cook with her heart.

Today, you would expect to queue for at least 30 minutes on average (up to one hour during weekends) to enjoy the best kway tiao teng in Whampoa.

More than 15 years ago, Kway Tiao Ting has started to help out at the stall on weekends. She has decided to step up as she wanted to preserve this dying trade. A lot of famous hawker food has since disappeared because the next generation showed no interest to carry on.

Kway Tiao Ting simply wants to share her love for kway tiao teng with the world.